The “Crazy In Love”” bouquet captures the wild and exhilarating feelings of passionate love with its whimsical array of purple and pink hues, intertwined with delicate greenery. This arrangement is a poetic expression of love’s intoxicating and spirited nature, perfect for sweeping someone off their feet. It’s a beautiful way to declare your affection with flair and fervor.”
Always remember:
If any flowers become unavailable due to seasonal changes, they will be replaced with another variety that is equivalent or of higher value.
AED 420
AED 249
AED 250
AED 320
AED 249
AED 350
AED 230 – AED 370
AED 370
AED 370
AED 350 – AED 800
AED 250 – AED 400
AED 330 – AED 570