The “Sweetheart Sorbet” bouquet is a delightful assortment of flowers with warm tones. The varied shades of pink, red, and touches of yellow suggest a cheerful and loving sentiment, while the soft white flowers provide a gentle contrast. This arrangement could be an excellent choice for expressing affection, perhaps for a significant other, on occasions like anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or just as a spontaneous gesture of love. The name itself implies a mix of endearing qualities, much like the refreshing layers of a fruit sorbet.
Always remember:
If any flowers become unavailable due to seasonal changes, they will be replaced with another variety that is equivalent or of higher value.
AED 230 – AED 370
AED 370
AED 370
AED 350 – AED 800
AED 250 – AED 400
AED 330 – AED 570